postings of obscure thoughts from the corners of the spiritual worlds

Friday, August 26, 2005

[x] [x,y] [x,y,z] there of the dimensions we know

[x] :: 0=x
[x, y ]  :: 0=x ; 1=y
[x, y, z] :: 0=x; 1=y; i=z   such that is the square root of -1 unit
  forming a 2x2x2 square box four points with two dimensions the second pair
{0,0} {1,0}      ::  
{0,1} {1,1}      ::   being place behind the first and the lower second behind the lower first
thus we have 27 dimensions of triplets[x,y,z] in our 3x3x3 matrix
{0,0,0} {1,1,1} {i, i, i }    :::
{0,1,0} {1,i, 1} {i, 0,i }    :::
{0,0, i} {1,1,0} {i, i, 0}    :::
{1,0,0} {i, 1,i } {0,i, 1}    :::
{1,i, 1} {0,i, 0} {i, 1,0}    :::
{1,0,0} {i, 1, i} {0,1,i }    :::
{i, i ,0} {0,i ,i } {1,0, i}    :::
{i, 0,i } {i, i, 1} {i, 0,1}    :::
{i, 0,1} {1,i, i } {1,1, i}    :::
Of course this is only within this part of the universe


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