now not then again because it is the law
rhyme dosete less nothing is valid compounded daily by numbers limited by nothing everywheres is the center if we are infinite xoet poet proprelly jelly with after by now nothing is even odd you say
postings of obscure thoughts from the corners of the spiritual worlds
rhyme dosete less nothing is valid compounded daily by numbers limited by nothing everywheres is the center if we are infinite xoet poet proprelly jelly with after by now nothing is even odd you say
sppeedd fold ssppeedd fold split ahh notes sound notes spin speed round run dance spasmatic sage of the age pleasure the the ascied this is placid by name only would here to referance as a bill of the still janet and tony now is goonee so he said good by to me and my whay the fire is bright and then black fire is always bright and smarts layers ages pass down the steps of heaven up the ladder of hell 2574 vilete smells through the tellphone shattered at ya and diviteable singing birds like the echo of frost on the window sill silowetting the bed as it warms your heart with the level indication that we know this loop but the loop was lost in the envelopment of a development that could not stop and rest reason has it that it was a thought or a idea or a notion of opinion that excaped defining and beeing actually read here is were the class of typing emplays the earth to open out its mouth and take a bit with its eyes closed we see this then the boxed tv is mutated in to your mind your thoughts on tv your tv in your thoughts echoy between each side stareo careo dareo air prudence looks at the growning vine on the line of the kind bought flames touching us and at E being the first captail letter known to this sentence means leetttelll much but still more comes our voices controled by our toungston my watch is atomic yes in deed but that makes this interesting ah bowyerah daoure daoure the end is the best way to end the best end way too freeaaakkkkiiinnggg out of minds thoiy
love the things you know know the thinkings of your moment to moment the bus arrives the baby is small but strong have courage and go out ov your mind to remember who you are always forgotten things theapolis look at your expections recipt back exit do not lean back do not force pleasure it is really not important expetting expire dimensional discourse beyond limited futures have no way to know there end afterward
what have ai become a walking robot off on off on blully erererer state of confusion baking moon cookies with mellow but alive aliens drift on drift on they say you know the was of the way we were like you you are now our past but not not really excape their grasp dizzy blinks again he has nowheres to go cept here and now so now is here where here is now exit the bone's of past leftovers before they kill yo ouuurrrr mind with slow poision from there foule oder of being in the oven for over 2 days the smellllll the touch no wash no wash touch sickie chicken death for 4 days
rhyme reason bliss siting on a miss post of a box in the sky my mind is fine feel the echo chamber remember the poet xoet in a remote loke of pokes and peeks in a fire of my minds eyes into everything really real yet my thoughts make me less real my mind is grey matter explode my explode is burnt on the door of time forever with nothing changing except the lines of power perception and kind vivid valid void oh how do i know you void of time and space in the endless abyss of nothingness how are you true to yourself? rhyme and ryne rhy and sky like endless waves of colores in the dream of life that never ends till one day we forget it ended and still know it wont find out our dream of screems thank the power of echo shapes and tapes of memory broken and shattered on the floor like glass that breaks the mind and breaks the sky with a cloud that can never find its mountain to rain on or sea to be free in the river windes down the hill and a tiger still garaffi and ostrige of others and me you can see you can dream but wake without the time to find what is right in the line of echos or lego of the cosmic egg the came for the chicken called the rooster red and the egg fell off the wall of time in a line that the kings horses ate for lunch and the queen had none but a very wet bell curve of spaces that have not been explored on earth or in the heavens gate to peters place where the water scrapes the stones of time down to nothing the river takes it to the sea and they see the sand in a clear glass jar for it breaks again with the sound of running oil in the engine of my heart broken down from the years of fixes and elixers and pictures lost in the fasination streets of shifting curent cars and boats on my plane of existance that never changes ever changing in lifes eyes